The HessLite line of bonding mortar and plaster products was developed to meet the demanding and diverse needs of today’s professional. Our mortars and plasters are structured around the utility of lightweight aggregates and performance-modified with proven MAC™ and VBM™ chemistry.
BONDING MORTARS. We began with mortars for typical needs—whether laying up a block wall or laying down a tile surface. Then we addressed the more nuanced needs of those working with the ever-growing variety of manufactured stone, brick and board-like veneer products. We’ve got a bonding mortar suited for every profile and type, including single-stone units, thin bricks and tile, heavy-duty traffic-bearing pavers, pre-assembled and large-format pieces, even panelized dry-stack units. All demand a high-performance bonding mortar—more importantly, one designed to also fit the demands of the application.
Not only do HessLite bonding mortars meet installation, performance and bonding requirements, they play the long game too: like bonding like. Meaning the lightweight aggregates that bulk up our bonding mortars are the same aggregate types used to make the pieces being bonded. Meaning the mortar reacts to climate and weather conditions, like freeze-thaw stresses, in the same way as the veneer units themselves. Meaning less weight-stress on the supporting structure from both veneer and mortar. Like bonding like.
PLASTERS. Our lightweight cement plasters can be used in a traditional two-coat scratch and brown coat stucco application or can be applied effectively as a one-coat finish. These fiber reinforced plasters can be used as a lightweight wall rendering as well as leveling, bonding substrate beneath veneer finishes on the wall or floor. HessLite also offers a product variation designed to be pumped.
GO LIGHT. HessLite bonding mortars and plasters represent a unique combination of proven performance and welcome safety benefits for masonry crews. The bags of lightweight material are easier to safely move, lift onto the mixer deck, and work with day after long day. No respirable crystalline silica means no worries about long-term health issues working around mortar dust on the jobsite.
Lock-down performance. Expert support. Consistent quality. Safer to use. The perfect bag of mortar or stucco for hard-working pros and their support crews.
The HessLite Product Line
Lightweight Bonding Mortars
VBMTM PolyThinTM (Thinbed Bonding Mortars)
VBM PolyThin 100 | Level 1 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.4
VBM PolyThin 300 | Level 2 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.4
VBM PolyThin Premium | Level 3 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.15
VBMTM BondMateTM (Medium Bed Bonding Mortars)
VBM BondMate 100 | Level 1 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.4
VBM BondMate Dry•Stack/LFT | Level 2 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.4
VBM BondMate Premium | Level 3 Performance Product | Specification: ANSI 118.15
Lightweight Masonry Mortars
HessLite MAC Type•S Mortar IWR
HessLite MAC Pointing & Fine Pointing Mortar
Lightweight Plasters
HessLite MAC Scratch & Brown IWR
HessLite MAC Scratch & Brown Poly (Polymer Modified)